Hunt with database with all addr with balance. A MUST!!

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    Feb 27th, 2024

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    0.00079390 ฿

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Item description

This Python application, provides a user-friendly interface for various cryptocurrency-related tools and functions.
Users can access tools for Bitcoin-related operations, including BitCrack, KeyHunt, Vanbitcracken, Iceland2k14 Secp256k1, and conversion tools.
The application supports both dark and light themes and offers a convenient way to switch between them. It also features a 16x16 grid tool, a range
division tool in hexadecimal format, and allows users to open external websites. This application is built using PyQt6 and is designed to assist cryptocurrency enthusiasts in their endeavors. Support adding your own list with addresses or connect to a database with addresses, here you will
get the latest updated list with ALL BTC addresses with balance and ALL ETH addresses with balance as *.txt file and asdatabasefiles *.bf included
and i will give you a link to where you can download mounthly updated files. So as you can see on the pictures i run this software with 51 million
BTC addresses and 49 million ETH addresses. That will do the job. AMAZING software.
Im so tired of all those scams out there that sell fake softwares for crazy stupid price so I will allways try to keep the price in a good place and NEVER worry about if my softwares are fake becouse all i have here is the real shit and they WILL find wallets. :) If you have some questions or just something you want to say about the price or anything, write me and we find a solution. I am oldschool and like to change things. so if you have something cool and no money just write again. i am looking for crypto scrapers, but everything is interesting.

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