BitcoinHunter private key finder & btc wallet recovery

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    Feb 27th, 2024

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Item description

BitcoinHunter is software dedicated to find private keys of bitcoin addresses with balance.
Automatically generate private key and address to check
Scrape Bitcoin directories. Automatically send found bitcoins to specific address.
Multithreaded, lightweight and fast!
*btcrecover* is an open source Bitcoin wallet password and seed recovery tool. It is designed for the case where you already know most of your password or seed, but need assistance in trying different possible combinations.
To try recovering your password, please start with the **[Password Recovery Quick Start]
If you mostly know your recovery seed/mnemonic (12-24 recovery words), but think there may be a mistake in it, please see the
**[Seed Recovery Quick Start](docs/**.
* Supported on Windows, Linux, and OS X
* Support for Unicode passwords and seeds
* Multithreaded searches, with user-selectable thread count
* Experimental [GPU acceleration](docs/ for Bitcoin Unlimited/Classic/XT/Core, Armory, and derived altcoin wallets
* Wildcard expansion for passwords
* Typo simulation for passwords and seeds
* Progress bar and ETA display (at the command line)
* Optional autosave - interrupt and continue password recoveries without losing progress
* Automated seed recovery with a simple graphical user interface
* “Offline” mode for nearly all supported wallets - use one of the [extract scripts (click for more information)](docs/ to extract just enough information to attempt password recovery, without giving *btcrecover* or whoever runs it access to *any* of the addresses or private keys in your Bitcoin wallet.
* “Nearly offline” mode for Armory - use an [extract script (click for more information)](docs/ to extract a single private key for attempting password recovery. *btcrecover* and whoever runs it will only have access to this one address/private key from your Bitcoin wallet (read the link above for an important caveat).

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