5 Secrets to build an engaged Facebook Group

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Smart marketers know that successful business is not
about reaching the largest audience possible. Rather,
successful business is about reaching the most targeted
audience possible and building engagement.
It is FAR better to have 100 fans that read and like every
post you share, than it is to have 1,000,000 followers that
never actually engage with any of your content. With a
product that nets you $20 profit, the first group will likely
earn you around $200 for a promotional post, while the
latter will earn you ZERO.
In the book “1,000 True Fans”, author Kevin Kelly
explains that a business can succeed and even thrive as
long as it has 1,000 ‘true’ fans.
What he means by this, is that if your fanbase is engaged
and passionate enough, then it will be enough for you to
sustain your business. They will buy enough products and
services to keep you afloat, but more importantly: they will
also become brand ambassadors who go out and spread
the word, thereby bringing even more people to your site.
Once you cross that 1,000-fan threshold, you can get big.
Getting to that point is the hard part. Reaching an
audience of 1 million people is easy: you just need the
advertising budget. Turning 1,000 of those people into fans
though is hard.
And that’s where the Facebook group comes in. Yes:
Facebook groups – not pages – are your secret weapon
for galvanizing your following and turning them into highly
engaged fans. That’s because Facebook groups allow youto talk to your followers directly and to create
conversations. It creates a community, and it lets your
audience feel as though they ‘belong’ to something. That
way, your brand becomes part of their identity.
This is the difference between a company like Apple – that
has genuinely loyal fans who love what it stands for – and
a company like Asus. That is a good company… but…
yeah. Now the next question: how do you make your
Facebook group a massive success? Here are the five
secrets you need to know! These are the five things that
business and blog owners need to know in order to utilize
this truly powerful tool and outperform their competition.

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