Astrology and the Rising of kundalini

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ALTHOUGH “MIDLIFE CRISIS” has become a popular term these days for
individuals going through major life turbulence, it has probably not been looked
at in quite the same way as Barbara Hand Clow has done in this impressive
synthesis of clinical casework and astrological insight. We all tend to associate
midlife crisis with some type of redefinition of our sexual identity and vitality.
However, as you will find in the following pages, the rising of kundalini has less
to do with discovering new techniques of sexual fulfillment than it does with
understanding the energetic nature of human beings and their relationship to the
subtle currents of life force that animate and vitalize the living form.
There is reason and purpose behind the timing of key events in our lives, not
the least of which is the midlife crisis. Most of the time the nature and meaning
of these cycles is hidden to us or dealt with only at the most superficial
psychological levels. Astrology, if utilized correctly, holds tremendous insights
for understanding the hidden meaning behind these important struggles of
everyday life. Barbara Hand Clow’s interpretations of astrological cycles and
their implications for midlife crises are quite remarkable in that they lead us to a
whole new way of understanding the process of growth and transformation as a
part of everyday life.

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