Big Dream Board

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Are You Committed To Your Own Success?
Dear Visionary:

Do your best to answer the next question as honestly as possible, because your answer will reveal a lot about yourself. Here goes: On a scale of 1 to 10, (1= I’m just going to sit here and hope I get lucky, and 10 = I’m ready and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my full potential), how committed are you?

Most people don’t know that Orville Redenbacher spent 40 years cross-breeding 3,000 hybrid varieties of corn to achieve the exact moisture content so every kernel of corn would pop. Thomas Edison tried 10,000 times before he finally succeeded in creating the light bulb. Now that’s commitment folks!

Women like Joan Rivers, J.K. Rowling, and Oprah Winfrey all remained steadfast through impossible odds and that’s why we know who they are. Are you ready to make this same type of lifetime commitment in order to achieve personal and professional success?

Are you willing to dedicate your life, on a daily basis, to make steady progress towards your goals, or are you one of those people who will stick with anything for exactly one week before quitting?

Commitment requires persistence, and persistent folks keep at it for a lifetime, (if necessary), until they win. Will you make a commitment to yourself today?

BIG DREAM BOARD has the tools you need to make your journey towards success easier!

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