Per Bristow – Speak With Freedom

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Per Bristow – Speak With Freedom
Effectively heal a voice problem – overcome hoarseness, fatigue, and strain

Project with less effort

Get a more dynamic, melodic and attractive voice

Overcome stage fright, performance anxieties, and even social anxieties

Effectively heal a voice problem – overcome hoarseness, fatigue, and strain
Get a richer and more resonant voice
Project with less effort
Speak for hours and hours without getting tired
Get a more dynamic, melodic and attractive voice
Dramatically improve your presentations – whether teaching, negotiating, making sales, or presenting an idea
Overcome stage fright, performance anxieties, and even social anxieties
Become more confident, charismatic and attractive
Feel freer, more spontaneous and alive when you communicate
Become more Influential. This applies to selling, negotiating, dating, parenting and all areas of communications

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