User Feedback - JunSalam

Item TitleFrom UserAcquired onRating 100$ egiftbig*******07-Dec-2020
Comment: Great seller, fast, and very helpful would use again and recomend 200$ egiftShi*******30-Nov-2020
Comment: Good 150$ egifteco*******01-Dec-2020
Comment: Gives me a gift card in euros and expects me to use it? No thanks
hawaiicoffeecompany 200$ egiftlov*******30-Nov-2020
Comment: Good!
Thriftbooks 100$ egiftmrp*******09-Dec-2020
Comment: Seller is the bacon to my eggs! 100$ egiftmrp*******02-Dec-2020
Comment: Seller is a nifty potato!
frontrunneroutfitters 300$ egiftTab*******29-Nov-2020
Comment: Excellent!
Hawaii Coffee Company 100$ egiftlov*******27-Nov-2020
Comment: fast!
Seattlecoffeegear 100$ egifttom*******26-Nov-2020
Comment: GOOD VERY GOOD 250$ egiftsan*******02-Dec-2020
Comment: Great customer support and fast response AAA+++++ 300$ egiftMon*******07-Dec-2020
Comment: Awesome seller. Fast service. A+
southmoonunder 250$ egiftble*******25-Dec-2020
Comment: A+ 200$ egiftdir*******21-Nov-2020
Comment: great seller. worked great
Private listing for chemmailche*******05-Dec-2020
Comment: My orders got cancelled and gift cards say invalid now. Bad cards
Honey Baked 100$ egiftsha*******14-Nov-2020
Comment: No issue. Quick Delivery