We would like to start by thanking you for your continued support and for helping us make Bitify the best Bitcoin Marketplace out there. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for our dedicated users and the support and feedback we receive from you on a daily basis.

We do apologize for being quieter than we’d like to be, but we’re working hard on fixing this and some new structures are coming into place to allow us to engage with our users more frequently, easily and on a more casual/less formal level than emails.

A lot has changed since we sent our last email, to the better we hope! Bitify has a new look, we actually have a mobile responsive site! Gosh, who would have thought this would ever come to life! But it’s finally here. We have added power seller features, still in beta, but we’re working with some sellers to perfect it before it’s available to all users. We have a new team of moderators helping us keep the site nice and clean. We’re working with a team of social media marketers to bring us closer to our users, and few other big plans are in the pipeline which we hope will come to life before the end of 2016.

Let’s get to the more “hands on matters”…

Phishing Attempts:

We have received multiple support requests which reported receiving Private Messages from users claiming to be from Bitify. Thanks for reporting these to us, it’s been a struggle trying to limit them, but we believe the struggle is over. The domain which was claiming to be bitify.com has been taken down by the host and few changes have come to our Private Messaging system to limit such occurrences.
Please NOTE: Bitify will never ask for your personal details or for any verification through private messages. If you are asked for such details, please assume it is a phishing attempt and not respond, but report it to our support team immediately.

Interface Showing Incorrectly:

We had an issue with our interface last week and some users reported seeing double login forms, site showing incorrectly and sections of the site scattered all over the place. We apologise about that, our CDN had an issue delivering some of the content over SSL and it took a little time to work with them to identify which files were affected. They initially resolved the problem, but the issue came back yesterday and we had to bring the site down to get this resolved for good. Well, the good news is we believe this has been fixed, for good! Yay!

Security Issues and Downtime:

As most of you who access the site daily are aware, we have had to bring the site down for the past 30 hours. This was due to the interface style showing incorrectly coinciding with security reports and red flags raised by our email provider. We received notifications of what seems like an un-authorised access to our email system. Due to the nature of our website and that all notifications between Bitify and customers are carried over emails, we had to place the site on hold until we could secure our email system and make sure that no un-authorised access could occur which might put our users’ information at risk. We apologise for the downtime, but we have now implemented a more secure integration with our email provider. The site will be coming back online and escrow releases and refunds will be carried out as per normal starting… NOW!

Whilst we are confident that no customer information has been accessed, we also need your help to keep it that way.
We reccomend that you change your password regularly and enable Google 2FA for increased security. If you need any assistance with that please contact support and we will help you.

Please keep your feedback coming, it will only help us get better.

Bitcoin Safely!
Team Bitify