We are  glad to announce that one of the most requested features by our users is finally online!

You can now feature your items on the site and give them more exposure to potential buyers. By featuring an item, it will be randomly picked and featured on the home page top slider, on the side bar of other pages, and on top of the search results.

You may feature an item by selecting a tick box on the “Post New Item” page, or by editing your currently listed items. Featuring an item is FREE, you only pay for featured items if they are sold. Once a featured item is sold an extra 1.5% fee will be added to the final fee before sending the funds to the seller’s account. Minimum featured item fee is 0.001 BTC or 0.05 LTC.

In Conclusion:

  • Featuring an item is FREE.
  • Fee is paid on sold items only.
  • Fee is 1.5% of the final price or (0.001 BTC/0.05 LTC) whichever is higher.
  • Only auctions with a starting price of $5 or more can be featured.
  • Only fixed price items of $5 or more can be featured.

Few other contents have been added around the site to help you navigate around and easily find items you might be interested in from sellers and categories you like.
These are few of many features to come between now and Q1 2015.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support in the past few months and to say that we’re glad to be back even stronger than before.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Team bitify!