1 oz U.S. Olympic Team Silver Round

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    0.00041511 ฿

    0.38612068 Ł

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On the obverse of all US Olympic Team Silver Rounds is the image of the United States Olympic Heritage Mark. This symbol features the phrasing “Team USA” in the center with the date of the first modern Olympic Games held in 1896. This engraving is flanked on either side by olive branches. On either side of the design field is a singular star, with the purity and metal content above and the weight below.

The reverse side of the 1 oz US Olympic Team Silver Round includes the official emblem of the United States Olympic Committee. This emblem features the American flag above the famous grouping of five interlocking Olympic rings. The rings are colorized in real life as blue, black, red, yellow, and green, and represent the five inhabited continents of the world.

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