Cartoon Chaos is the best Cartoon tracker, it has a great community and a wealth of toons from the 40's right up to the present day.
They got a big collection with good speeds.
Ratio is very easy cause many FreeLeech files and if you are a long time seeder you earn enough Bonus Points to buy more GBs.
Currently Free Leech is automatic on torrents over 7 GB. When the server costs are met all torrents will be free leech until the end of that month. Free Leech is only in effect when you see a gold coin beside a torrent.
Members are expected to seed every torrent they download - including free leeches - to a minimum ratio of 1.0, or for a minimum of 168 hours (the equivalent of seven uninterrupted days of seeding).
Tracker has many categories like anime movies, anime series, kids, mature cartoons, educational, shorts.. etc