The Ultimate Sales Machine | Chet Holmes

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The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies By Chet Holmes
256 pages

"This is the 3rd purchased, my 1st copy lend to my former boss, she loves it. The book never return back to me. So I had to buy another one. This time I bought 4 more copies and gave it to the President, SVP, VP in the new company that I'm currently working for.
This book did a wonderful job concluded what REALLY matters to a business: create a system and create sales strategies, stay focus with consistent efforts.

When I came to my last job, it was chaotic and most people cannot last 3 months in that position. I used the ideas in this book, approached my boss, offered to help her to do an audit and see where went wrong, I wrote a training guide to standardize how we operate and things getting much better. I saw very little value to rehab our division because it does not bring in revenue, so I proposed the idea to help improving company's sales and marketing division. Then the company was hit by luit so I wasn't able to.

This book can help your company dominate the market, position yourself, handle the growth and scale fast. The only piece missing is corporate finance.

Since I read at least 1 business and investing book per week I was constantly evolving. I realized merely has stunning sales record and a great business system would not be enough. Currently, I am learning how to read financial statement like lenders or investors. And I come to realization that majority of the management were not financially sophisticated enough. If you are the company executives, I would recommend you inspect how management spending on each and every check that comes out. Again, this is still something I learned from this book: if you want to find out where is the problem, you have to do a review and audit, you have to spend time working on the business not in the business.

There are a lot of fluffy books talk about leaderships and visions, they were nice to read but fail to make an impact to real business operations. This book stands out, it was packed with information, its specific, the ideas are actionable, unlike some other books only tells you half of the story and hope to upsale you to get another half, this book does the lead generation too, but it gives you the whole picture, you can use the ideas in this book and making impact right away! This book has no BS, it has almost everything you need to know to make your business the top 1%."


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