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Swing Trading Strategies for the Master Trader
Swing Trading Strategies is precisely designed for traders and investors wanting to create wealth and income holding positions a few days to weeks.
The course teaches you a thought process by building technical concepts upon each other to be a profitable swing trader – and without spending a lot of time in front of a trading screen.
Learn How to Swing Trade Trends With a Plan for Maximum Profits
Trends tend to continue for a long time. This provides for great swing trading profits
Learn What Investors and Traders do that Make Money
Those that fail do not have a plan or education. Those that make money do and learn the discipline to follow it.
Learn Strategies that Make Money over Days to Weeks, not Years
Swing Trading can be done by everyone and should be in Stocks and ETFs
Learn Position and Money Management
The best swing trading strategies must be combined with Position and Money Management
Learn the Combination of Technical Analysis that Master Traders use
One technical concept is a start to a strategy. The right combination of them creates a profitable method
Learn Candlestick Patterns that Signal What the Big Money is Doing and When
Swing Trading can be done by everyone and should be in Stocks and ETFs
Our Approach to Swing Trading as Master Traders