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New Jersey, USA
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A few Of the Dr. Hemmel Amrania’s Case Studies
Top most ranked Affiliate with Stella & Dot in Hemmel’s 1st month – $3,358.82 commissions earned in the one month with a minimal expenditure.
The most successful health company affiliate The top performing health company affiliate PS6,770 earned commission in a single month
UK’s fastest-growing affiliate and the highest ranking affiliate an industry that makes health supplements that has earned over PS1,000 a month commission in the last 20 months, with a minimal advertising spending and time for managing the campaigns.
Changed PS140 into PS1,440 every Month for the last 18 months. Total PS25,907.51 and rising.
More than $28,000 in revenue from a one affiliate link in the niche market for software.
Changed PS17 into PS450 in just 7 days in the Men’s Cosmetic market.