100 Twitter Accounts With No Followers

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Item description

witter.com: Confirmed by E-mail, ready to use accounts. Accounts clean, followers 0-5 (accidentally Fallaway proposed popular twitter account). To register using E-mail on Mail.ru and the rest of his domains. Avatar is not loaded, the theme set the standard.

What to use: Can be used for advertising purposes. For example, a set of followers, paid tvitting etc.

Format: login: password: email: email_password.

Important! You MUST USE PROXIES with Twitter accounts!!!!!
If you have no idea what proxy is or if you are planning to use accounts without proxies, please, do not buy accounts from us.

Twitter accounts will ask you for phone number (if accounts are PVA) or e-mail address (regular accounts). E-mails and phone numbers are included into account format. If your software is unable to work with this information, please, do not buy accounts.
Please, read the information above.
No refunds/replacements will be offered.

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