31000 BTC wallet.dat

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  • Rating: 85.7% (7)

  • Member Since:

    May 1st, 2021

  • Available QTY

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    0.05544894 ฿

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Item description

Instead of invest several hundred dollars in shitcoin why not trying you luck in decrypting billion dollars of lost password wallet.dat ?
This is a 30000 BTC wallet.dat worth of several billion dollars free to use for anyone who find the password or the private key through it public key.
I will send information about the owner and some password he used on his computer.with some luck and skills you may recover the lost password and would be able to access the coins, you may try decripting through it public key too.
I guarantee balance in the wallet. Otherwise, i will give you money back till 48h!

if you are interested to try your luck to decrypt this wallet make your order or write to me.

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