Genesis Market Account for sale $50

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    New York,

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    79 times

Item description

The Genesis Market (GM) is a spy (400,000 spys) who follow some Internet User everyday when he/she surfing the internet. All year around. Every month, every hour, every goddamn minute… Just like your lovely government. The difference is GM’s bot collect LOGINS only! You purchase the bot and you will get:
1. All URLs (big and small) was opened from one IP.
2. The Username and Password was used (even have changed)
3. The browser names used
4. IP (you got location)
5. Pack of all cookies
6. Generated Fingerprints of the visitor
7. Cleaning data (not ton of extra garbage)
8. Also, some extra features as a plus to basic one (Security plugin, own browser, etc..)

Every bot in the store may include all mentioned above info or partial.
So, Bot duplicate the Visitor’s logins, you duplicate the Bot’s movements and when you LOGIN to some websites, you look exactly the same for website Fraud Department just like the original Visitor.

Step ONE. Email Zawr and get:

1. GM’s manual.html [with screenshots]
2. GM’s FAQ.html
3. GM’s Terms. html
4. Fresh GM.s table of Bots available (400,000+)

Step TWO. Purchase the listing (Escrow your payment) and get:

1. Existing Account Login IDs; [You can change password and email]
2. Invitation code [Account owner’s invitation code]
3. $2 balance and $19 spend [Mean you need just $2 to get new invitation code for your friends, not $20]
4. Two purchased bots with history. You do not need to buy new bot to test the system, use the old one, because both bots, accounts/URLs and info are still active.
5. Readme file — Short instruction of what the Genesis really is. Plus “do” and “don’ts” to save your time and money.

Bon Appetit

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